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Heads up for kid concussions

A study from the Journal of Pediatrics has findings that are shaking things up when it comes to getting your kids back to their healthiest after a concussion.

Here are 5 things parents need to know about the new concussion protocol:

Walk before running

Most children will require a few days of rest followed by a gradual introduction of limited activity.

Less rest. More activity.

An active rehabilitation can mean a return to normal activities sooner and better outcomes with faster recovery times.

Active doesn’t mean sports

A return to normal activities doesn’t necessarily mean a return to sports, practice, or competitions, but it is a far cry from the traditional prescription of bed rest.

Less school absence

Active rehabilitation may reduce the number of missed school days. That’s especially good because keeping kids social can be helpful in their recovery.

Lay off electronics

Your child’s brain needs to rest in order to recover, and electronics demand brain power. So limit the use of TVs, computers, smartphones, video games, etc., for a few days.

The fine print

All concussions are different and individual cases can vary widely, your doctor will determine what’s best for your child’s recovery. No matter what the treatment, make sure you talk to your doctor if any symptoms get worse. The more serious symptoms, like blurred vision and balance problems, will still require special therapy but even then, doctors may encourage children to incorporate movement and activity into their recovery.